101 in 1001

In 2009, I stumbled across the 101 things in 1001 days project. Being a list-oriented kind of person, I set about to writing mine and knocking off as many goals as I could. I'm working on my fourth one right now! To save on blog space, I'm keeping a master list here. This will be updated periodically as I check on my progress and as I complete more lists.

The Grand Master List of 101 in 1001 Lists
1. Lost in the mists of pre-blog time; spanned sometime from 2009 to 2012.

2. July 1, 2012 – March 29, 2015. This one is a sad and weird and wonderful list. Over the course of this list I lived in three different countries and held two different full-time jobs (not simultaneously, obviously!) in addition to running my Etsy shop and busting my hump on four different freelance side hustles. It was tumultuous time of my life but I wouldn't change anything about it.

3. July 3, 2015 – March 31 2018. This is the first 101 in 1001 that I started and completed in the same place: the same country, the same city, even the same apartment. It's notable for being what I was focusing in my life when The Election happened. You know. That election.

Current List: July 1 2018 – March 29 2021

1. Self Reliance and Actualization

1. Finish 101 list (0 / 22)
2. Revise every 6 months (0 / 5)
3. Post weekly updates (1 / 143)

0 / 3

2. Earthly Delights and the Root of All Evil

1. Read the last three books from the DipTrans reading list:
A Textbook of Translation, Peter Newmark
Paragraphs on Translation/More Paragraphs on Translation, Peter Newmark
A Practical Guide for Translators, Geoffrey Samuelson-Brown
2. Finish 3 books I've owned for over a year but haven't read yet (0 / 0)
3. Finish Helioskatastrofen and The Helios Disaster comparison
4. Save up for Korea trip.
5. Save up for Bloomsday.
6. Purchase three items from small business owners (on Etsy or elsewhere), for myself or as a gift (0 / 3)

0 / 6

3. Local Places and Ideas

1. Visit a place in Sweden I've never been to
2. Complete all possible GoodReads challenges (0 / 3)
3. Read 3 books in Swedish. (0 /0)
4. Translate 3 stories from Grand Mal (0 / 3)
5. Go to one concert/event/play/thing in Stockholm
6. Go to one new cafe
7. Go to one new bar
8. Translate 3 chapters from Amerikanskt (0 / 3)

0 / 8

4. Family and Home

1. Send a Christmas card to Mom-mom (0 / 3)
2. Send a Christmas card to Aunt Doris (0 / 3)
3. Send a Christmas card to Ms. R-B (0 / 3)
4. Send a birthday card to Teacher Dad (0 / 3)
5. Print and frame Uijeongbu art
6. Send birthday present to Mom (0 / 3)

0 / 6

5. Entertainment and Creativity

1. Watch every MST3K episode (125 / 198)
2. Finish Anise short story
3. Participate in all available NaNoWriMos (0 / 3)
4. Participate in all available Camp NaNoWriMos (1 / 5)
5. Finish outlining Anise sequel
6. Finish revisions on YNF

0 / 6

6. Health

1. Run to Minas Tirith (3 km / ?)
2. Weight train 2x a week (1 week)
3. Weight train 2x a week (2 weeks)
4. Weight train 2x a week (4 weeks)
5. Complete 1001 Sun Salutations (0 / 1001)
6. Meditate every day a week (1 week)
7. Meditate every day a week (2 weeks)
8. Meditate every day a week (4 weeks)

0 / 8

7. Relationships

1. Send three surprise random postcards (2 / 3)
2. Invite someone on at least one one-on-one fika
3. Send 3 "do more good" tea care packages (0 / 3)

0 / 3

8. (Cleaning Out) Heavy Stuff

1. Annual Facebook purge (0 / 3)
2. Annual RSS feed purge (0 / 3)
3. Annual closet purge (0 / 3)
4. Annual apartment purge (0 / 3)
5. Monthly activist thing (0 / 33)
6. Get my taxes prepared in advance of tax day (0 / 3)
7. Monthly Tarot card (0 / 33)
8. Monthly reading (0 / 33)

0 / 8

9. Broadening Horizons

1. Visit a country in Europe I haven't been to yet
2. One non-fiction book a month (1 / 33)

3. One foreign movie a month (1 / 33)
4. One documentary a month (1 / 33)
5. Finish TTMIK Level 4
6. Read Ulysses
7. Subscribe to Historiskan
8. Subscribe to Språktidning
9. Take DipTrans

0 / 9

10. Professionalism

1. Upgrade SfEP membership
2. Finish PubLaunch test
3. Follow-up about Amerikanskt rights

0 / 3

11. Social cohesion

1. Apply for absentee ballot every year (0 / 3)
2. Vote in the presidential primaries
3. Vote in the presidential election
4. Vote in the midterm primaries
5. Vote in the midterm election
6. Vote in the occasional local special election, as necessary
7. Call a federal senator or Congressional representative once a week (0 / 143)
8. Call a state senator or representative once a week (0 / 143)
9. Five angry faxes a day, five days a week.
10. Send a postcard to my senator's office once a week (1 / 143)
11. Send a postcard to my representative's office once a week (2 / 143)
12. Send a postcard to my state senator's office once a week (0 / 143)
13. Send a postcard to my state representative's office once a week (0 / 143)
14. Comment on one other Mission 101 blog per week (0 / 143)
15. Complete 3 deals on Simbi (0 / 3)

0 / 15

12. A Helping Hand

1. Donate $25 in microloans (only for housing or education) ($0 / $25)
2. Donate $2 to a literacy charity for every unread book on the list
3. Buy each month's issue of Situation STHLM (0 / 33)
4. Monthly donation to Refugees Welcome Stockholm (0 / 33)
5. Donate $1 to the UNCHR for every unfinished goal (0 / ?)
6. Send at least one holiday_wishes gift (0 / 1)

0 / 6

0 / 101 finished!

0 / 101 failed!

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