Monday, November 28, 2016

Newly Listed: Copper DNA Chainmaille Bracelet

I can't stop playing with this inverted spiral weave. The shape is just such a great way to represent DNA's double helix structure. It's addictive and gorgeous!

DNA sciart chainmaille biologist bracelet biology jewelry
Copper and aluminum DNA chainmaille bracelet by Kokoba
After I put out a few two-tone DNA necklaces and bracelets, I felt comfortable enough with the weave to try a monochrome version. (The nature of things is that this weave can be a little confusing at first, so using two different colors makes i easier to keep track of things.) I had some extra copper rings on hand, so I decided to see what I could make out of them.

DNA sciart chainmaille biologist bracelet biology jewelry

I didn't have enough for a full bracelet, but I had plenty of other rings to finish it off. I actually really like the "focal point" look of the spiral weave and then just a plain, utilitarian one for the rest of the bracelet.

DNA sciart chainmaille biologist bracelet biology jewelry

I think I also like how the spiral weave looks in rings in a slightly heavier gauge. (Or, to be more precise, with a slightly smaller aspect ratio.) The weave is a little tighter and feels a little more solid. I think the lines of the spiral also show up a bit cleaner as well.

DNA sciart chainmaille biologist bracelet biology jewelry

I think I have well and fully mastered this weave. Next on my list is Persian 3-in-1 (I have really exciting ideas about what to do with sheets of it) but it is tricky as hell to pick up and the urge to mindlessly crank out something I know can do is strong. I guess it's also good stress relief; there is something meditative about chainmaille that beading lacks. 

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